Sunday, January 21, 2007

Fridays meeting with the RE went well. 3 nights on stims and nearly 3 follies. Not bad. Tuesday will tell us more- but so far the results are encouraging and as I'd be happy with anything 3 and over- so we are there already! Being a slow responder has it's downsides- I don't expect to get over 10 follies, I'd be estatic if we got to 5. I'll let you know what next Tuesday brings. So far it is all going well and I am feeling great.

I had a slight lupr*n headache but accupuncture took care of it-- and as I was leaving the office I mentioned that I was having a slightly stuffy nose- the nice accupuncturist placed these band-aid like things in certain areas- they have a small metal ball about the size of a pin head in them and they use them on children for accupunture. They told me to leave it on for a few days then take it off this weekend. I went home, went to bed and when I awoke the next day I could smell again! Dang, that stuff is amazing!

So things are progressing well- I am hanging out and just taking it easy. I have tried to comment on some of your blogs fellow IFers-- and I am not sure what is up with blogger this month. It doesn't let me look at profiles anymore- and so if I don't have a link to the site already I seem to be out of luck for reading it. Somedays it won't let me post... must be an upgrade feature they failed to mention when I shifted to the lastest version. Know that I am reading your blogs but seem to be unable to comment on all of them and my thoughts and hopes are with you all.


Stephanie said...

Glad you are responding to your stims. Three follies already is great! Can't wait to hear how things have progressed by Tues.

Bea said...

I'm having the same problem with typepad accounts! I thought it was just me.

Anyway, glad things are going better this time around. Keep taking it easy. Good luck for Tuesday.


Hopeful Mother said...

Ellie, this sounds so much more promising than any of your other cycles. I think that is a GREAT sign!

Hoping that you have continued good news for us tomorrow...

Lut C. said...

I hope some lurkers turn up and you ovaries give you a pleasant surprise.
Good luck!