Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bed Rest Day 2

The transfer went really well. They gave us pictures of the embies-- one was 6 cells and the other was 8. I think they said more about them but we were not really paying attention -- just thrilled to have 2 to transfer and it's darn hard to focus when they are telling you this and you have to pee. Let's get on with it already! They also gave us a picture of the embies inside me. I don't know if I will post them or not -- the scanner isn't really easy to use and honestly don't they all kind of look the same?

The full bladder thing- definately not comfortable- and I tried the catheter after- dang that hurts! I don't think I want to experience that part again. The rest of it went well and I was home shortly after and have been in bed since. I thought bed rest would be easy- I mean who doesn't want to spend all day in bed hanging out?

Not so much fun alone when you can't get out of bed. My neighbors were awesome about stopping in and making sure I had food and everything. Hubs good with dinners- not so great about mornings. Hard to give a morning task to a non-morning person. Since I normally make his coffee and he likes to sleep in-- it's been a struggle having shift times.

Today I have been cleared to lay on the sofa if I want --it will be a mellow day of movies and laying around.


Thalia said...

sweetie, get up and make that coffee for goodness sake. there is NO EVIDENCE that bed rest helps, in fact there is evidence that it reduces the pregnancy rate. It's left over from early procedural approaches. As many of us have pointed out, given the location of the uterus in the body, it's actually more parallel to the ground when you are standing, not when you're lying around. Not that that makes any difference, as you've just placed the embryos into what Ovagirl's RE described as raspberry jam in a particularly well-filled sandwich. They're not going anywhere...

Kris said...

I agree with Thalia- only the analogy I heard was a sesame seed stuck in a peanut butter sandwich. I think the most crucial rest time is just after the transfer.

Of course, if it makes you feel better, certainly loll around and watch movies.

Glad to hear they transfered two- welcome to the wait.

Hopeful Mother said...

I'm so glad your transfer went well. Yeah - the bladder thing is not so great, is it? I'm just so glad you made it to the point where you finally got to experience it!

Re: bedrest, do whatever you are most comfortable with. My RE says there are no studies that show anything concrete one way or the other, and that the first 30 min. after transfer are the most crucial. I laid flat for my ride home and took it easy when I got home, but went back to work (you know my desk-type job) the following day.

Enjoy your movies, and think about the fact that you have two embies hopefully snuggling in inside you right now!

Serenity said...

SO glad the transfer went well!!!

And I agree with the others - you can make the coffee. :)

Carol said...

Congrats on the transfer! and Enjoy your resting time. Lots of people say that it helps to really try to visual the embryos implanting - to look at those pictures they give you and visualize them hatching out and nestling in.

My RE no longer recommends total bed rest - they just tell you to have a few 'very quiet days'. I love the opportunity to lounge around and watch tv & movies, look at the magazines I never get to, etc.

abby said...

congrats on transferring two! hope you have a not-too-stressful much easier said than done, i know!

Bea said...

6 and 8 cells sounds good. Fingers crossed for you...


Stephanie said...


Glad the transfer went well. You didn't even pee on yourself! :) I pray that your embryos are digging in and will be growing and growing.

I don't know about the bed rest...I did it and by day two I was sick of it.

I will be checking in to see what happens!