Well I got my hair cut today...and came back a Brunette. I wouldn't say that I am a complete dark deep brunette- but my hairdresser did call this a dark blonde. DH is still looking at me a bit strange, and I can understand how he might feel alittle baffled. I mean he married a blonde and then today I come home..well, not blonde. It can take alittle getting use to it-- and having never changed my hair color before-- this was alittle out of character for me. Will I change it back again? I have no idea- but for now- it is nice to have a change.
I take the patch off tonite- and yes, I am counting down the minutes until the thing comes off-- please, if there is any semblance of higher powers in our universe, could this please be the last time I have to do this? I am looking forward to the rest of this cycle--mostly because the worst part of it for me will be over in just a few hours when the evil patch comes off. I start lupr*n on tuesday and stims a day or so later.
I'd put off having my basic annual exam this past year because, well the traffic in that area made the interstate freeway look empty and I just honestly couldn't bear to have yet another person who I don't know all that well looking in an area that is named private for a reason. But with the change in health insurance, I figured I'd get it done right at the end of the year. It would seem that I have some mysterious endo cells with blood particles floating around in there-- now they would be natural if I were starting my period-- but at the time I was on the patch--so now this doctor wants an ultrasound TOO. I should sell tickets. Would you like popcorn with that?
I guess the good part of this is my humor is finally returning, and DH and I are getting this process down. He has been amazingly wonderful about helping with the cooking-- I developed a strange anti-meat thing earlier this week so he has been cooking any of that we have been eating- I have already stopped the wine, the coffee and the tofu in anticipation of the next few weeks. It ought to be a good few weeks but I'll keep you posted as I progress and things get rolling.
Yay to getting started on the non-patch bit. And hurrah for new hair colour! I love changing my hair every so often - it really can make you feel shiny and new.
Good luck, hon, with this cycle... I REALLY hope this is the last time you have to do this.
I LOVE coloring my hair. Haven't done it in, well, 2 years - and boy do I miss it. :)
Good Luck!
(Glad your hair isn't the same color as the trolls! Now that would baffle your DH for sure!)
Wishing you all the best - brunette Ellie! I also hope this is the last time you go through this, and with the best result possible!
Well, I hope your hair didn't come out looking like that Troll Doll's! ;)
Although turquoise IS a favourite shade of mine. :D
I used to color my hair ALL THE TIME. I am a natural blonde, and since I stopped coloring my hair after we got married, my natural color, as it turns out, is fabulous! So, I must say, I don't miss the upkeep, or the costs involved with coloring! ;)
What patch are you talking about, btw? Sorry if I missed something or am just being dumb, but I don't know what patch you are on right now.
Anyway, I am wishing you nothing but the best for your cycle! I think we are CB's right now, as my ET is planned for January 29th.
Please keep me posted on how you are doing.
All the best,
good luck on your cycle. I know you are glad to get things started. Brave of you getting a new hair color. I have often wondered what I would look like anything other than blond...just on brave enought to really find out!
Glad to hear your cycle is moving along. But I know what you mean about postponing the other exams during all this. I finallly broke down and did all that a couple months ago too - it had been two years.
Good luck for this cycle- and yay for new hair!
Good luck with this cycle. I hope that this is the one!
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