Friday, March 02, 2007

I am sure my friends tried to warn me about the being hungry and wanting to throw up same time feeling- just now I can't remember it ever being mentioned. I thought I was adjusting to being hungry all the time. I even thought I somehow would figure out the secret to not getting sick--you know, small meals, lots and lots of protein, eat right before bed.

I don't seem to have a great deal of problems in the morning, in fact I have been waking up not especially hungry- however between the hours of 1-5pm all bets are off and I could eat every single minute of the 4 hour window and still not be full. It is safe to say that I am tired of eating at the end of the day and I can't help but wonder why they have not created some kind of fast digesting high protein meal that leaves you feeling full for hours and doesn't upset your stomach one bit.
Today, proudly my first round of morning sickness- though it began to hit in my eating window and I couldn't determine whether I should keep eating and take my chances or stop. I can't determine the overriding message my body is sending me when I get two of the messages at the same time. My brain and stomach are both on sensory overload.

Today I can't get near meat. I thought it was a bit strange when I was in the grocery store yesterday and I couldn't look at the raw meat section with out feeling funky-- today, I can't really look at it cooked. This will pass, I know. And I am learning to trust my body, I just wish it would tell me it doesn't want to eat something before I go through the effort to make it.


Carol said...

yeah, it's quite the roller coaster ride, isn't it. A new feeling every day. I'm with you on the hungry and nausea at the same time - it's very confusing. But I'm glad i'm having symptoms - at least that reminds me that something is for sure happening in there.

Lut C. said...

I can't say I'm familiar with the feeling. I haven't graduated from vaguely queasy, and even that's been a while ago. I'm hanging on to the thought that symptoms are variable, and don't mean anything.

Twisted Ovaries said...

I'm with you on the hungry nausea too. And while I don't have any "God, that's going to make me hurl" foods, I do have to avoid any TV shot of insects of any kind-they make the bile rise. Not like I enjoyed insects before, either, but now? Have to run if I see them.